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Form Vulnerability Report to Secure Code Learning

Integrate SecDim with your security tools to transform reported vulnerabilities into interactive secure code learning experiences. Explore the vulnerable app and attacker tests to gain practical, hands-on skills in fixing security issues..

SecDim Integration
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In-Context Secure Code Learning

SecDim integration brings reported vulnerabilities to life, allowing developers to fully understand and effectively fix them.

Make Vulnerability Reports Dev-Friendly

Vulnerability reports are difficult for developers to interpret and act upon. SecDim integrations transform these reports into interactive labs, helping developers fully understand and effectively fix security issues.

SecDim Github Action

Github Action and CI/CD

Take secure code learning to your CI/CD.

Our GitHub Action parses tool outputs and embeds relevant secure code learning content directly into the Security tab, enhancing your development workflow.

Learn more about SecDim Github Action

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Get highly-targeted secure code learning experiences tailored to the specific issues identified by your SAST and DAST tools.

This focused approach ensures that your learning is always relevant and immediately applicable.

Learn more about SecDim SARIF Parser

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PenTest Management Tools

Bring your penetration test results to life with SecDim.

Integrate with your PenTest Management Tools to explore the reported vulnerabilities in an interactive Sandbox. Train developers on how to fix the vulnerabilities and reduce resurfacing vulnerabilities.

Read our press release about AttackForge PenTest Management tool integration

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